Monday, December 6, 2010

Pot & the NBA!

Michael Beasley was fresh off being traded to the Minnesota Timberwolves. The versatile forward missed out on the high that playing with newly signed Miami Heat superstar LeBron James would have provided. But in July, just as he was adjusting to the change in scenery, Timberwolves team president David Kahn inexplicably revealed a private conversation that he’d had with Beasley, telling the local Twin Cities ESPN Radio affiliate: “He’s a very young and immature kid who smoked too much marijuana and has told me that he’s not smoking anymore, and I told him that I would trust him as long as that was the case.”

The NBA wasted little time fining the T-Wolves organization $50,000; Kahn was personally hit with an additional $50K fine. The association is always quick to distance itself from the sticky-icky, at least in the public eye, since it doesn’t mesh with the family-friendly corporate image that the NBA seeks to project to the mainstream. Yet the reality is that marijuana has long been as much a part of the NBA as the nothing-but-net three-pointer.

As it happens, this wasn’t the first awkward run-in that Beasley’s had with pot. In September 2008, at the NBA’s Rookie Transition Program, the cops showed up at the hotel room of two of his fellow rookies, Mario Chalmers and Darrel Arthur, following a fire alarm. The cops claimed that the room smelled like marijuana, but no pot was found and no charges were filed. Curiously, Chalmers and Arthur were both excused from attending rookie camp and then paradoxically fined $20,000 for “missing” camp. However, they weren’t fined or suspended for any drug-related violations, and both later denied any involvement with marijuana.

Even more curiously, ESPN had originally reported that Beasley was also present in the room, but wasn’t asked to leave the camp. Then the story was “updated” and all mentions of Beasley were removed from the article. All of these actions are suggestive of a cover-up. The NBA—and its primary media partner, ESPN—seem willing to go to great lengths to disassociate a group of high-profile rookies from marijuana.

But the story doesn’t end there. Beasley was later fined $50,000 by the NBA for his involvement in the incident after Heat team president (and legendary coach) Pat Riley forced him to confess to league officials that he had, in fact, snuck out the door when police arrived at the Chalmers/Arthur hotel room.

Less than a year later, in August 2009, Beasley reportedly checked into a Houston rehab center, just days after he posted a picture of himself on Twitter with two plastic baggies that might have contained pot in the background. There has also been speculation that all of the publicity surrounding Beasley and marijuana was actually intended to cover up his use of harder drugs, and that this was the real reason he went to rehab. (After all, “kicking” pot doesn’t generally require professional rehabilitation services.)

The Beasley saga is just the latest story linking pot to NBA players, but it wasn’t always so. In the 1970s and ’80s, the NBA was regarded as a cocaine-fueled league, the nadir of which came with the death of 22-year-old Len Bias in 1986. Bias had just been drafted two days earlier by the world-champion Boston Celtics, and died after a night of cocaine indulgence.

Coincidentally, one of the NBA’s most prominent earlier pot scandals also involved the Celtics (fittingly known as the “Green Machine”). The team’s solid, stoic center, Robert “the Chief” Parish, was busted in 1993 after a drug-sniffing pooch detected pot in a FedEx package in San Francisco that was addressed to Parish’s Massachusetts residence. When the package arrived in Beantown, drug dogs there also smelled pot, and Parish was charged with possession.

That Parish was the NBA’s oldest player at the time (39) may have been a telling indicator that the Chief was using the herb in a medicinal capacity—the better to cope with the stresses and strains of playing the rigorous sport at such a relatively advanced age. In fact, Parish played until he was 43, making him the third-oldest player in NBA history—and he played far and away the most games in league history as well, which should drive a stake through that tired old “marijuana kills motivation” argument.

By 1997, some were calling pot smoking in the NBA an “epidemic,” as epitomized by a New York Times “special report” headlined “Marijuana and Pro Basketball: N.B.A.’s Uncontrolled Substance,” which declared that 60 to 70 percent of NBA players “smoke pot and drink excessively.”

That “drink excessively” part seemed to get lost in the uproar touched off by the article. And though NBA Commissioner David Stern (the man largely credited with rescuing pro basketball from those coke-filled dark days of the late 1970s) and players’ union president Billy Hunter both denounced the report, there were several major repercussions from the Times piece. First, in 1998, then–US Drug Czar Barry McCaffrey used the article as the inspiration for a self-serving essay that appeared in the Washington Post, ironically titled “A Clean and Sober NBA.” Not surprisingly, McCaffrey’s piece was consistent with US drug policy in general: It completely ignored the debilitating influences of the legal (and corporately sanctioned) substance known as alcohol and focused solely on the NBA’s allegedly “uncontrolled” pot use, which McCaffrey then went on to embellish, to embarrassing effect. The Drug Czar stated that it was “routine for players to build an addiction [to marijuana] bad enough to run afoul of the law before their problem receives attention.”

A year later, urine testing for marijuana was added to the NBA’s collective bargaining agreement, after having been absent from previous agreements (which made the NBA the only league at the time to ostensibly “permit” cannabis use among its players). So when it came to the hypocrisy of legal booze and illegal weed, the NBA proved equal to any other professional or college sports league. All those lucrative sponsorships with major beer companies have clearly impaired the NBA’s judgment when it comes to distinguishing between pot and alcohol use among its players.

But despite the NBA’s official disapproval, the use of pot hasn’t seemed to decrease. In 2001, one of the toughest players in hoops history, power forward Charles Oakley, claimed that 50 to 60 percent of players smoked weed. A Rocky Mountain News survey released in 2005 reported that NBA players estimated on average that one out of three of their colleagues—roughly 30 percent—smoked pot. In 2008, Josh Howard of the Dallas Mavericks caused a stir when he admitted on ESPN Radio that he smokes marijuana during the off-season and that “everybody in the media world and in the sports world knows that NBA players do smoke marijuana.” Asked how many, Howard offered the rather high figure of 70 percent, while his Mavericks teammate, Jason Terry, thought that only 5 percent of players got high—a wildly unrealistic claim.

As for the argument that only fringe players use pot and not the superstars, what about the aforementioned LeBron James, who has acknowledged that he smoked pot during his high-school years? Aside from Kobe Bryant, you don’t get much bigger than King James.

Then again, some may argue that players like James and Howard are part of a pot-smoking younger generation—but not so fast. You don’t get more old-school than Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, six-time MVP, six-time NBA champion, pro basketball’s all-time leading scorer, and one of the league’s most iconic figures ever with his unstoppable hook shot and trademark goggles. Jabbar freely admitted smoking and enjoying pot in his 1984 biography Giant Steps.

Still, in 2000, Abdul-Jabbar was arrested in Los Angeles for driving under the influence after a cop pulled him over for speeding and smelled pot in the car. Kareem failed a field sobriety test and got popped, but at least he had a medical-marijuana defense: He was using pot to cope with the migraine headaches that afflict him.

So the question remains: Is the use of pot confined to the off-season, as Josh Howard asserted, or is it clandestinely approved by coaches and general managers during the arduous season—because they’d rather see their prized players getting stoned in their hotel rooms rather than out at a bar or strip club, where danger always lurks? (Since it’s usually not quite as dangerous to be stoned and asleep in a hotel bed.)

Whether it’s half the league or just a third smoking pot, the simple fact is that marijuana’s here to stay, even in the NBA. The day will finally come when a player challenges the league’s pot policy—especially if he has a legitimate medical reason or lives in a state that has legalized it, as California may do in November. And when that day comes, professional sports may finally recognize that, far from hurting players, pot actually helps them remain on the field.

Monday, August 2, 2010

White Rhino

White Rhino is an excellent cross of White Widow and a powerful Indica strain. It is very high in THC which makes it good for medical use. White Rhino has a sweet, slightly hashy taste, ideal for bonging. Due to the Indica cross, White Rhino is denser and shorter than White Widow, with very white crystals. White Rhino seeds are excellent for medical marijuana applications.

Marilyn Monroe Pot Video

A video has surfaced that, according to the person who shot it, shows Marilyn Monroe smoking pot. It's hard to prove, the home movie certainly does show the star smoking something, giggling, and smelling her armpit. "I got the marijuana, it was mine," said Monroe's filmmaker friend. "It was not a party. It was just a get-together. You know, come over and hang out."

The tape currently belongs to collector Keya Morgan, who bought it for $275,000. "People have never seen her in such a relaxed pose," said Morgan.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Will New York Become the 15th Medical Marijuana State?

Medical marijuana activists and advocates are making a push this week to convince New York Gov. David Paterson and the legislature to include medical cannabis in the state’s budget. The state Senate passed a measure in March that calls for the inclusion of medical marijuana in the state budget. However, New York’s legislative session ends this week so the window for New York to become the 15th state to allow the use of medical marijuana is closing.

While some New York legislators oppose the bill, one of its most active supporters, Senator Eric Adams (D-Brooklyn), had this to say: “When our fellow humans are burdened by the dire effects of life-threatening illnesses, we must not allow insubstantial ideological arguments to increase their suffering. The proposed medical marijuana legislation contains the critical safeguards needed to guard against diversion or abuse and establish access for patients in need. It is our moral and ethical duty to alleviate misery in our fellow human beings. Any other substance shown to have such beneficial effect would already be in the arsenal of medical practitioners. I wholeheartedly urge passage of this legislation.”

If you live in New York, you can follow this link to contact Governor Paterson and urge him to support medical marijuana.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

A 420 'Firecracker' Recipe!

I’m sure many of you seasoned Cannabis enthusiasts already know how to make firecrackers, but there are many who don’t. So here’s our best firecracker recipe that we have refined after many trials.

I can usually get away with .4 grams of good weed and about .7-1 gram of vaped remains when making them. Everyone is different though so you’ll have to decide the amount you want to use. Half a gram is usual a decent starting amount for first-time experimenters. However, if you’re sensitive to weed and you don’t enjoy being “too high” then I would start with .3-.4 grams. Also, I wouldn’t recommend starting with 1 whole gram. It can be pretty intense. Work up to it and see what you’re comfortable with.

If you’ve tried making firecrackers with some other guide and they ended up being duds, give this one a shot. It works perfectly every time for us.

What you need:

  • .3-1 gram of weed or .8-1+ grams of vaped remains

  • All natural peanut butter

  • Graham crackers or any kind of crackers for that matter

  • Vegetable oil (optional)

  • Aluminum Foil

  • An oven

Grind up the weed and make a mix to maximize surface area of the weed bonding with the fat. A lot of times when people complain of dud firecrackers, they simply sprinkled weed onto their cracker sandwich and mashed them together. If you really want to get the most out of your firecracker, make a mix. Anyway, if you don’t have a grinder, dump your weed into a shot glass and chop it up in there with scissors.

grinder 300x217 420tainment Cooking: Our Best Firecracker Recipe

Put a dab of peanut butter in a bowl. Remember that the amount of PB you’re putting in the bowl is the amount you’re spreading onto your crackers, so be prepared to eat that amount. No need to use too much. Just make sure there’s enough PB to completely saturate the Cannabis. And remember, we want to maximize the amount of weed touching the fat, so do a good job when stirring.

bowl 300x223 420tainment Cooking: Our Best Firecracker Recipe

If you have some vegetable oil, add a tiny pinch in there and continue stirring. If you add too much, it will be far too runny and you’ll have to use a lot more crackers. Spread your mix on and prepare your sandwich.

firecracker1 300x235 420tainment Cooking: Our Best Firecracker Recipe

Now, complete your sandwich:

firecracker2 300x225 420tainment Cooking: Our Best Firecracker Recipe

Wrap it in foil and throw it in the oven:

oven 300x216 420tainment Cooking: Our Best Firecracker Recipe

Bake it for 23 minutes at the temperature of 320 degrees.

Simple, right? Firecrackers are a great alternative for those too lazy to make brownies… although I will say that brownies taste a hell of a lot better. However if you’re looking for a quick, effective, and easy edible, look no further than the firecracker. They give great long highs that are quite different than smoking/vaping. Once again, if you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

"Legalize 2012" Gears Up in Colorado

In the wake of new legislation regulating the burgeoning medical-marijuana industry, advocates in Colorado are planning another attempt to legalize the drug for recreational as well as medicinal purposes.

Activists have their eyes on placing a state constitutional amendment on the ballot in 2012.

The Boulder-based Cannabis Therapy Institute announced Friday it will work on a legalization measure for 2012. Greg Stinson, president of the Front Range chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, said he's aware of at least one other group looking at a 2012 ballot measure, though he wasn't sure the group was ready to go public.

In a news release, the Cannabis Therapy Institute said the medical-marijuana regulations signed into law by Gov. Bill Ritter are too restrictive, and the best solution is to push for full legalization. Under the name "Legalize 2012," the institute is forming a fundraising board and a committee to work on the language of the initiative.

Representatives of the group could not be reached Friday afternoon. The group's website says it is considering language that would legalize the sale, production, transport and use of marijuana and allow for taxation and regulation of the industry in ways similar to the regulations around the production of alcohol.

The last statewide ballot initiative to legalize marijuana — Amendment 44 in 2006 — lost, 61 percent to 39 percent.

Since then, Nederland and Breckenridge residents have voted to legalize marijuana in largely symbolic ballot measures.

A Rasmussen poll in May of likely Colorado voters found that 49 percent favored legalizing and taxing marijuana, with 39 percent opposed and 13 percent undecided.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Redman HighTimes Interview

Growing Granny Busted for “Reefer”

A Memphis grandmother got busted for “manufacturing marijuana” after police spotted four pot plants in her driveway.

The cops were searching for another suspect in the area when they saw the weed in plain view. An officer asked the 65-year-old woman if she knew what she had growing outside – she responded, “Yes, reefer, I planted it.”

According to reports, the woman had recently been in the hospital but neighbors were unaware if the marijuana was intended for medicinal purposes. She is being held on a $5,000 bond.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Blue Dream

Here’s some Blue Dream from Northern California. This is some really good sativa bud. Lots of medical marijuana patients swear by this strain.

Pot for iPad Deal Ends in Arrests

It seems like everyone wants to get their hands on the Apple iPad. However, two 20-year-old Arizona men were hoping to obtain Apple’s latest gizmo through a trade advertised on Craigslist.

The online advertisement proposed swapping an Apple iPod Touch and “a quarter of dank blue dream straight outta Cali” for an iPad.

The men did receive some interest in their ad – but it was from detectives who were tipped off about the craigslist pot swap ad by an anonymous citizen. Police arranged a meeting with the men who gave the “dank blue dream” to an undercover detective.

Both men were arrested for conspiracy to sell pot. Please enjoy their mug shots as well as the photo that appeared in the original craigslist ad.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Bizzy Bone to Appear on Dr. Drew's 'Celebrity Rehab'

Rapper Byron McCane - better know as Bizzy Bone from the platinum selling R&B group Bone Thugs-n-Harmony - will be joining the cast of the VH1 reality show "Celebrity Rehab."

Bizzy reportedly wants to seek treatment for his addictions - alcohol and marijuana - on the hit show starring addiction specialist Dr. Drew, who recently got in hot water regarding his opinion that planting drugs on Lindsay Lohan would be beneficial to her.

If "Celebrity Rehab" can finish getting a cast together, Bizzy would be joined by the likes of reality show and Myspace star Tila Tequila.

More @

Police Seize a Ton of Pot in Boston Apartment

Police found 2,000 pounds of pot in a Boston-area apartment earlier this week. Prosecutors are calling the ton of cannabis “the single largest seizure of marijuana in Boston’s recent memory.”

However, despite the 40 plastic wrapped packages stacked to the ceiling of a third floor apartment, Edgar Gonzalez, the man accused of possessing all the pot, claims he had no idea it was there.

Police originally came to the building to execute an unrelated search warrant. However, when Gonzalez saw the officers, he ran. After being caught, Gonzalez explained to the police that he ran because “he thought they were looking for him.”

This aroused officers’ suspicion and a search warrant for Gonzalez’s apartment was obtained. Inside, cops found the stash with an estimated street value of $4 million.

by Mike Hughes for


Average price: $35 per gram

Named one of High Times magazine's Top Ten Strains of 2006. Connoisseurs speculate that the big leafy strain, which has a tangy aroma, originated in Montana.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

BC God Bud

BC Bud Depot
1st Place, 2004 HIGH TIMES Indica Cup
HIGH TIMES Top 10 Strain, 2005

Commercial growers prize indica varieties for their potency and big yields, but God Bud also has great flavor and aroma. Since winning the Best Indica–Seed Company award at the 2004 Cannabis Cup, this frosty selection (well-known in Vancouver) is getting its proper respect worldwide. The dense, crystal-coated BC God Bud has serious bag appeal and packs quite a punch.

Matt, the breeder for BC Bud Depot, says: “She’s a heavy feeder and can take longer to clone, but once you get it right, there’s no stopping her. Yields typically between two to four ounces per plant in indoor-production setups, and up to three pounds per plant outdoors in southern climates. From her density and stickiness to her aroma, taste and medicinal qualities, the God Bud is a connoisseur-grade indica that will leave everyone wishing for your stash.” I couldn’t have put it better myself.

Lineage: God x Hawaiian x Purple Indica
Flowering time: 8 to 9 weeks
Contact: BC Bud Depot,

Saturday, June 5, 2010

White Widow

The white widow marijuana strain is the strongest weed in the world. It sets the standard for white strains. This legend was born in the 1990's. They grow tall with delicate arms. White widow marijuana buds have so much THC on them that it is hard to see the bud at all. The white widow marijuana high is extreme and the taste divine. White widow marijuana seeds have won more Cannabis Cups than any before. On the top of all dutch coffeeshop menu's (mostly the most expensive!) is white widow marijuana seeds and white widow marijuana strains. The buzz is powerful and energetic, yet social. A must for anyone who thinks they are a smoker.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

NBA All-Star Accused Of Being “Major Marijuana Supplier”

An NBA player and former Marion basketball standout has been implicated in an Indianapolis drug investigation.

According to a probable cause affidavit, a trusted police informant identified Memphis Grizzlies player Zach Randolph as a major marijuana supplier in Indianapolis, 6News' Jack Rinehart reported.

Narcotics officers were staking out a suspected drug house on Indianapolis' north side two weeks ago when they pulled over Arthur Boyd, 32, soon after he left the residence, near 75th Street and Binford Avenue, police said.

According to the affidavit, the Cadillac Escalade that Boyd was driving was registered to Randolph, and police found marijuana and ammunition stowed inside.

"One of his vehicles had what we call hidden compartments that contained suspected narcotics, that being marijuana," said Lt. Jeff Duhamell.

Based on information found in the Escalade, police later raided a northeast side storage facility, where they said Randolph rents four lockers.

According to the affidavit, a police K-9 alerted to controlled substances in two of the four units, and police found more cars with secret compartments inside.

Duhamell said he had been unaware Randolph was implicated in the investigation.

"Whether he is a specific target, that I don't know," he said. "But looking at his ownership of the vehicles, he should be aware of whose driving and operating them and possessing illegal narcotics in his vehicles. That in and of itself brings up questions."

The police informant is also quoted in the affidavit as having told investigators that Randolph was known to provide individuals with expensive cars and access to his Geist Reservoir waterfront home.

Randolph's attorney, John Tompkins, told 6News Wednesday evening that Boyd worked for his client, and that Randolph is not connected to any drug activity.

"He is not in any way whatsoever involved in any kind of drug ring," Tompkins said. "He's beside himself, because he has made a concerted effort to get a better image."

Tompkins said Randolph's vehicle has secret compartments as a safety precaution for concealing valuables, that police have told him the vehicles are in the process of being released and that the Grizzlies will release a statement on Thursday in support of Randolph.

Randolph has a long criminal history. He was convicted of battery and sentenced to house arrest in 1997, and spent time in a juvenile detention center in 1999 for selling a stolen gun.

Three years later, he was arrested on charges of underage drinking, and faced charges in Portland after police said they could smell marijuana coming from his car.

Randolph's latest arrest was in 2009 on charges of drunken driving in Los Angeles.

The high school basketball star grew up in Marion and attended Marion High School, where he helped lead his team to the 2000 Class 4A State Championship.

After playing one season at Michigan State University, Randolph was drafted in the first round by the Portland Blazers and went on to play with the New York Knicks and the Los Angeles Clippers before being traded to the Memphis Grizzlies in July of 2009.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Super Silver Haze 1

welcome weed lovers!

welcome to the tweedologist FIX blog! this blog will have pics, articles, and info all about weed! if you are a marijuana/weed lover, then this is the site for you! if you have any wonderful pics that you would like to see posted on the blog, email them to! you can also follow me on twitter, @tweedologist!