Saturday, June 19, 2010

A 420 'Firecracker' Recipe!

I’m sure many of you seasoned Cannabis enthusiasts already know how to make firecrackers, but there are many who don’t. So here’s our best firecracker recipe that we have refined after many trials.

I can usually get away with .4 grams of good weed and about .7-1 gram of vaped remains when making them. Everyone is different though so you’ll have to decide the amount you want to use. Half a gram is usual a decent starting amount for first-time experimenters. However, if you’re sensitive to weed and you don’t enjoy being “too high” then I would start with .3-.4 grams. Also, I wouldn’t recommend starting with 1 whole gram. It can be pretty intense. Work up to it and see what you’re comfortable with.

If you’ve tried making firecrackers with some other guide and they ended up being duds, give this one a shot. It works perfectly every time for us.

What you need:

  • .3-1 gram of weed or .8-1+ grams of vaped remains

  • All natural peanut butter

  • Graham crackers or any kind of crackers for that matter

  • Vegetable oil (optional)

  • Aluminum Foil

  • An oven

Grind up the weed and make a mix to maximize surface area of the weed bonding with the fat. A lot of times when people complain of dud firecrackers, they simply sprinkled weed onto their cracker sandwich and mashed them together. If you really want to get the most out of your firecracker, make a mix. Anyway, if you don’t have a grinder, dump your weed into a shot glass and chop it up in there with scissors.

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Put a dab of peanut butter in a bowl. Remember that the amount of PB you’re putting in the bowl is the amount you’re spreading onto your crackers, so be prepared to eat that amount. No need to use too much. Just make sure there’s enough PB to completely saturate the Cannabis. And remember, we want to maximize the amount of weed touching the fat, so do a good job when stirring.

bowl 300x223 420tainment Cooking: Our Best Firecracker Recipe

If you have some vegetable oil, add a tiny pinch in there and continue stirring. If you add too much, it will be far too runny and you’ll have to use a lot more crackers. Spread your mix on and prepare your sandwich.

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Now, complete your sandwich:

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Wrap it in foil and throw it in the oven:

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Bake it for 23 minutes at the temperature of 320 degrees.

Simple, right? Firecrackers are a great alternative for those too lazy to make brownies… although I will say that brownies taste a hell of a lot better. However if you’re looking for a quick, effective, and easy edible, look no further than the firecracker. They give great long highs that are quite different than smoking/vaping. Once again, if you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments.

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